¡Kelly Packard!

This page is dedicated to the girl who plays my favorite character on California Dreams, Kelly Pacakrd. Filmography for Kelly Packard is where you will find info on her semi-new movie "Little Bigfoot". I definatly recomend that movie to anyone.

¡Kelly Packard Pictures!
¡More Kelly Pics!
The cutest pic of Kelly
¡Kelly Sounds!

Info on Kelly:

full name:Kelly Chemane Packard
eyes: green
hair: blonde(obviously)
favorite color: green
favorite singers:Olivia Newton-John & Harry Connick Jr.
favorite TV shows:Full House & Blossom
favorite food:Mexican(mine too..hehe)
favorite place:Hawaii
Idea of a great date:"Could be going to the movies, or dancing, or anything that's adventurous and fun."
Kelly's quote:"Everyday was and adventure on the California Dreams set. You never know what the guys will be up to next. Usually it's something stupid!"
(Source:"Meet the Stars of California Dreams")
You can e-mail Kelly at the NBC California Dreams address: cadreams@nbc.com

e-mail me at Sara1019@aol.com

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